Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

looks safe

This is the beach where a swimmer lost part of his leg but we don't fear the man in the gray suit

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Quite Time

Sunset on the North Shore.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Do I look happy to be done with work?

The pink hospital

Where Nick and I spend way too many hours everyday (well- Nick more than me).


We were off to Pinky's for kailua pig dinner

Not smart

I'm not smart enough to figure out how to rotate this picture, but i love it anyway!


i'm so happy to have my first visitors!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

The best ice cream cake ever

Thanks Jeb and Bodi.

Boys being boys as usual

Who is that cute little kid?

Just my favorite baby of all time.

Big group shot

We had such a fun weekend with friends and family before leaving the next morning for Hawaii. Thanks everyone for coming all the way to say goodbye.

We look pretty sophisticated, eh?

Don't be fooled by the uniform....

The pinning

I was pretty excited to get to pin Nick, as I became a captain before him (D does come before N).

One last night out

Lorna and Boner

Don't they look cute?

Nick's new wetsuit

Yup- he tried it on at the restaurant!

Lots of sheep

Dunrobin Castle

We saw a falcon show here that was really cool.

Inverary Castle

The first castle we toured.

Castle Stocker

Castle Stocker

We found this castle as we were driving along through the countryside.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hello from Hawaii

Hello All- Well, Nick and I have been away from the internet most of this past month. We need to add pictures for sure. After I graduated my parents took me and Nick to Scotland. It was so beautiful there. We then came back to Phili and said good-bye one last time to lots of friends and family. We got to Hawaii on Monday afternoon and found our apartment on Tuesday, but our shipments won't get delivered until next week, so we are still living out of suitcases and sleeping on air-mattresses. We are pretty excited to see our new bed! Hopefully we can post some pictures of our place within the next week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Ondrasik kids. Last time all together in Brookville before moving to Hawaii.

One event in the all day decatholon held in Brookville, PA.

The Derby

Bodi and me learning about horse races.

The Derby

At the Kentucky Derby. Twin Spires.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Transition Point

Well, Nick and I are preparing for our move to Hawaii. It is an exciting time for us, but we will be sad to be moving so far from family and friends. We thought that starting a website where we could post pictures of our adventures in Hawaii would help to keep us connected with you all.